The legalities
Legal obligations
Hotel Gasthof Alphorn
Katrin Metzler
Zug 449
A-6764 Lech am Arlberg
General information obligations
Hotel Gasthof Alphorn
Zug 449
A-6764 Lech / Zug am Arlberg
Tel: +43 5583 2750
Our general terms and conditions (AGB) can be found under the following link: AGB
Member of the Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg (Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce):
Link to the WKO records
Field of operation: hotel industry
Supervisory authority:
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bludenz
Bank details
We always endeavour to respect the copyright of third parties, and where possible to use contributions that are either produced by ourselves or available in the public domain. In-house contributions used on this website are subject to copyright law. Third party contributions are identified accordingly. The reproduction, processing, distribution or any other kind of use which contravenes the limits of copyright, excepting that for private and personal purposes, requires the written consent of the relevant author or publisher in each instance.
Photo credits
- (c) Alex Kaiser, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Bernadette Dotter, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Bernadette Otter, Lech Zürs Tourismus
- (c) Bernd Eisenschink, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Bernd Fischer, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Christoph Schöch, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Florian Holzherr, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Georg Schnell, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Hanno Mackowitz, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Hans Wiesenhofer, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Kirstin Toedtling, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Leo Baumgartner, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Lisa Fail, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Patrick Steiner, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Pete Ionian, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Peter Mathis, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Sepp Mallaun, Lech Zürs Tourismus GmbH
- (c) Ski Arlberg
- (c) Wucher Helikopter
- Bernadette Otter
- Christoph Schoech
- Daniel Zangerl
We use links to external websites. Although we make every effort to control the contents of linked websites, we will accept no liability for the contents of such external links. The contents of linked websites remain the sole responsibility of the owners of these websites. At the time of linking, no legal violations were evident. In the case of a legal infringement becoming evident, the link in question will be immediately removed. The design and concept of this website was created by the Vorarlberg Tourism advertising agency
Limitation of liability
The content of our websites is given in good faith and has been thoroughly checked for accuracy. Nevertheless no liability whatsoever can be accepted for any factual or substantial errors still remaining therein.
Information on alternative settlement of disputes in accordance with. Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO und § 36 VSBG
The European Commission provides a platform for the settlement of online disputes (OS), details of which can be found at Users are entitled to use this platform for the settlement of their disputes. In principle we are prepared to participate in an out of court arbitration procedure. In the case of queries or complaints, we can also be contacted personally at the following email
Data protection & cookies
Information requirements in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DSGVO) regarding data protection in connection with Telecommunications Law (TKG) and on the use of cookies and how these can be deactivated or prevented can be found in our Data protection statement.